We're staying at the dorms of Gonzaga (which I've learned is pronounced Gonz-ae-guh... OK, I'm bad at this phonetic business, but the middle sound is A like A-OK... not ah like "Ah what a clever thing to say") University where beds, wifi, showers, and laundry facilities are readily available. Hallelujah! I've also learned that Spokane is pronounced Spo-can (as in "I can do a push up"... which is actually not true, but that's irrelevant :o)), rather than Spo-cane.
I've learned how to do so many useful things on my bicycle in the last several days. I've learned how to eat on my bicycle. I've learned how to drink from the water bottles in my rack on my bicycle. I've learned how to blow my nose on my bicycle. And lastly, I've learned how to take pictures from my bicycle.
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